As said ‘‘an ace in the hole for DNA sequencing’’ by world’s most reputed Science journal i.e. Nature, it is true that Oxford is going to change what people think of Genomics. It is also evident that Gordon Sanghera and his team have developed a revolutionary device that will change the course of what people know and do with DNA Sequencing. So this special article will show you that why OXFORD has been selected for special coverage despite the presence of other major players in the market.
Nanopore company is a spinout company of Oxford University. Naopre is a another technology that has made an impact in the market and gaining confidence each day passing by. It provide latest technology in DNA sequencing technology at lowest or no cost*. It has produced smallest DNA sequencing device at a cost of 1000$ only when others are offering sequencing for upto 600,000$.
by by Kamal Pratap Singh